Articles authored by our consultants or written about us.
Viewpoint: What your EHO is really thinking - Mike Stigwood for The Caterer
"When red tape gets in the way of adequate food safety inspections, there’s something very wrong with this system, says Mike Stigwood
As a food safety expert, catering designer specialising on minimising food safety issues and ex LA-based environmental health officer (EHO), I feel compelled to criticise my profession. The EHO has become more like the Thought Police from George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four..."

Horns of a dilemma - EHN article by Mike Stigwood
"Trains are travelling faster to reduce journey times, leading to more complaints about train horn noise near unmanned crossings. Operators must balance speed, cost and safety. Mike Stigwood explains."

From earplugs to bedroom swaps: how to protect against noise pollution
Mike Stigwood discusses dealing with noise pollution in this Guardian article.

Parliamentary Review Press Release
MAS Environmental has been featured in this year's Parliamentary Review:-
"A document that looks back on the year in industry and Westminster. The main aim of the Review is to showcase best practice as a learning tool to the public and private sector."
The article can be viewed on page 31 of the ebook here:

If it quacks like a duck … will a car horn be less annoying?
Mike Stigwood discusses annoyance in this Guardian article about quacking car horns.

CIEH Journal of Environmental Health Research
Article on Daniel Baker being named Junior Researcher of the Year 2015

Perception of sound from a waste site
Read Daniel Baker's article for Materials Recycling World.

Sound level modelling
Read Duncan Stigwood's article regarding his new noise tool for EHN Online.

Wind turbine noise - the debate continues
Read two articles, one by Mike Stigwood regarding wind farm noise for the Acoustics Bulletin.

The misapplication of BS8233 1999 to offices in heavy industrial areas
Read the report by Mike Stigwood for the IOA Acoustics Bulletin.

IoA agreement worsens noise, says Stigwood
Consultant Mike Stigwood has reviewed the use of the "IoA agreement" which was intended to improve the use of Etsu for wind turbine assessments. read the article

WHO limits tested in High Court
Last month a hotly-fought fight between householders and a motor sports venue came to a head at the High Court. read the article

Experts tackle motorsport noise
Several working groups are seeking to develop new guidelines for assessing motorsports noise amid calls for more research to identify what aspects of the sounds cause annoyance. Lisa Russell reports
For spectators, the noise of a motorsport event can add to the excitement. But for some of those living near a venue it... more

EPUK Noise conference articles featuring Mike Stigwood
Taken from Noise Bulletin - including:
Den Brook in court
A four day public inquiry into a disputed wind farm in Devon has been held...
Etsu "sticking plaster" slammed
An agreement to improve Etsu is simply a sticking plaster, claims a consultant...
Amplitude modulation is real
Further claims have been made that the phenomena of amplitude modulation is being underestimated...
View the articles

Mike Stigwood is featured in the EHN
A passion to help
Private consultant Mike Stigwood learnt his skills at local authorities before deciding to go it alone. Now the satisfaction comes from knowing he's solved someone's problem. Tom Wall reports
Mike Stigwood is passionate about environmental health. His 31 years experience in the public and private sector has done nothing to dim his enthusiasm for issues such as noise nuisance, food safety and public health.
'It is an all-consuming passion. At the moment I'm passionate about wind farms because the government has got the guidance wrong. We've got clients who can't sleep in their house at night. It's appalling. I'm passionate we are going to resolve the problem... more

Noise Bulletin Articles
How & When to use the WHO
The World Health Organisation (WHO) noise guidelines are highly influential but their application often leads to disagreements...more
Noise Feature - Stansted battlelines drawn
The public inquiry about Stansted Airport's future development means that challenges are once again being raised...more

About the Alton Towers Case
Noise Management - Alton screamer is too loud
Local residents have won a long running battle against Alton Towers theme park over noise...more
EHN - Council noise officer 'misled' a judge
A council officer who misled a court while under oath has been cautioned by a judge...more

Cambridge Evening News
Crop fears after pest is found during meal
A DESTRUCTIVE beetle was found by a couple dining outside at a rural restaurant... no longer online...

Telegraph | News
Alton Towers screams have shattered our quiet life, say couple
A couple have launched legal action against the owners of Alton Towers... no longer online

Environmental Health News
Noise case over royal prerogative
A test case is set to change the powers that local authorities have to deal with noise nuisance from aircraft and military premises such as firing ranges... No longer online
Sunday dancing "illegal"
Entertainment licences allowing discos and clubs to open for dancing on Sundays may be subject to legal challenge... No longer online